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TURKISH VAN CAT CLUB13th Championship Show - 3rd October 2015 Once again our show was held at Bracknell Leisure Centre, and again was shared with four other clubs. Not only does this allow us to share some of the costs, but it make the show a better experience for visi-tors, and gives us some much needed publicity. Our Show Manager this year was Lynnette Cannell who we were very pleased to have on board, and who ensured our show ran smoothly and efficiently. This year’s entry consisted of 7 Turks and 8 house-hold pets; not as large a turnout as we’d have liked, but for a small breed like ours this is not entirely un-expected. Of the 7 Turks, 2 were Turkish Vankedisi with the other 5 being Turkish Vans of course. Dis-appointingly, we didn’t have any kittens entered this year, so our winners would come from the adult and neuter sections. Of the 3 adults entered, first place went to Imp. Gr. Ch. Catzahle’z Creamy Cocio (Taomi) who beat her two daughters, and also went on to win the Olympian Certificate. The winning neuter was Pr. Kazdee Oscar (Oscar) who also won the Grand Premier Certificate.
So it was between these two for Best in Show, and after much deliberation our Best in Show judge, Lind-sey Grant, awarded BiS to Catzahle’z Creamy Cocio. Well done Taomi, but congratulations to all our other winners too. Our Pedigree Pet winner was Bertie, a beautiful blue shorthair who fought off stiff competition at his first ever show! What a great result, and I’m sure we’ll see more of him in the future. As usual the Club ran a tombola, which raised £108.10 on the day. I’d like to thank Lynnette our Show Manager for the time and effort she has put into running the show, everyone who helped out by manning the door or running the tombola amongst other things, and of course all our exhibitors without whom we would not have a show.