Ninth Championship Show - 1st October 2011
at Bracknell Sports & Leisure Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire
On what was the hottest October day since records began (apparently), we had our 9th Championship Show. Sadly, attendance was down on last year with just 9 Turkish cats entered (but also 9 household pet cats). This year the show was held jointly with 4 other clubs, these being the Main Coon Breed Society, Norsk Skogkatt Society, Seal & Blue Point Birman Cat Club, and the Longhaired & Semi Longhaired Cat Club.
As usual the Club has a stall at the show.
This year we had a tombola with lots of prizes to be won, many of which were donated by Committee members. At the end of the day our takings amounted to £59.
Many thanks to Mags Lombard for organising and running the tombola. |
In the kitten class we had three entries. The Best in Show kitten was eventually awarded to "Kazdee Blueberry Pie", a Vankedisi kitten owned and bred by Kathy McLeod and Aimee McLeod-Sale. |
Best Adult was Karen Guidera's "Shadycombe Vanguards Hope", who was also last year's winner.
"Hope" also went on to win Best in Show, for the second year running. |
The neuter class saw a well-deserved win for Doris Bubb-Porter's "Tansdale Vanilla-Ice", |
Well done to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who came along on the day.