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Cat |
Location: brighton  |
 Wednesday, 26 September 2018 13:56 IP:
Hi i would like to get involved with other van lovers
Admin Wednesday, 26 September 2018 22:33Host:
Hi! For anyone wanting to meet other Van Cat owners, there is a group on Facebook you could join - "Turkish Van Cat Chat"
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Sue Collins |
 Wednesday, 9 March 2016 22:05 IP:
I love Turkish Van cats .... They have the most wonderful affectionate and playful characters. I would very much like to buy a kitten and provide it with a loving caring home... Hopefully someone can let us know where we can purchase one .
Webmaster Thursday, 10 March 2016 02:22Host:
Keep an eye out on the website during the summer!
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Jacquie Long |
Location: United Kingdom  |
 Tuesday, 8 March 2016 20:21 Host:
We have recently adopted a cat from a rescue centre and when we were researching cats for a school project found some pics and info on Turkish Vans - sound a lot like our boy and looks very similar too![img][img][/img][/img]
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Louise |
Location: Bolton, Lancs  |
 Saturday, 30 January 2016 16:14 Host:
Hi, love your site!
I am getting 2 Turkish Van cats tomorrow (just pets), so checked out your site. It's beautiful!
Lou x
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Moya Rayner |
Location: Wells, Somerset  |
 Tuesday, 28 July 2015 15:43 Host:
Have rescued this adorable kitten from the jaws of a Jack Russell. He was 4 weeks old, the rest of the litter were dead. I have been trying to find out what he is, I don't know if it is possible - but his markings, body build, intelligence, love of water have made me wonder if he may be a Van. He is 8 weeks now, can jump so high, you can see his muscle tone, he has longer legs at the back than the front, his face is changing, his cheeks are prominent. Can you help please? How do I send a photo?[img][/img]
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Karolina Groenwald - Smith |
Location: Belfast  |
 Friday, 24 April 2015 08:35 Host:
I am cat's lover I have 2 at that moment British short hair by name Maja and Persian long hair by name Qeenie but I am nearly crazy about Turkish Van My husband promised me to buy one with different color eyes therefore I am here.He can not to do by himself because he is totally disabled person .Few days ago I got very interesting info that Turkish Van should have a name Armenian Van .Van was Armenian but after so many wars Van has started to be as a Turkey .Still I am looking for wee Van cat Hopefully I will be able to find her/him here .All the best to all cat lovers
 Wednesday, 24 September 2014 01:00 Host:
We were blessed to rescue an abandoned and injured Van mix kitten on the 4th of July this year. She had a broken leg and was nearly starved to death! Poor little thing! She is the most sweetest and loving cat we have ever owned. I didn't even know what a Van cat was, until we found her. I was so impressed by her personality that I began investigating what kind of cat she may be. She is almost all white, with the half butterfly marking in black on her head, a solid black tail, and a few circles of black on her all white body. She follows me around everywhere, picks up little things and carries them around with her. She is worth every cent that it cost to nurse her back to health, and I feel blessed that she found me!
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jeanette |
Location: wales  |
 Wednesday, 27 August 2014 01:00 Host:
i don't know if any of your members remember miss svm douglas of greenfieild turkish van ...i would just like to pass on the sad news she has past away 7th august
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Suze M |
Location: Nottinghamshire  |
 Saturday, 5 October 2013 01:00 Host:
Just stumbled across this page.
We got our Turkish Van around 3 months ago but only found out he was a Turkish Van about 1.5/2 months ago thanks to my Mum.
As a kitten and a Turkish Van our little man is very active and sometimes a bit hard to handle. I am actively looking for ways to keep him entertained and encourage him away from "bad " behaviours. Anyone who has any tips or information on good resources it would be greatly appreciated!
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c lewis |
Location: south wales uk  |
 Sunday, 4 August 2013 01:00 Host:
I work at my local hospital to be told that someone had dumped a kitten in the bin area, this is full of waste from wards, clinic bins and condemned items of furniture. As my daughter and my self have rescue cats we went to investigate and there he was in a very bad state but not approachable. We borrowed a trap from cat protection and after a few hours we had him safely inside. We spent a lot of time with him before we could touch him, then he was cleaned up and neutered. We recently found out hes a van as he has grown into a beauty who is now 9 months old and loving. Their cruelty is my gain i would never part with him and my dog and him are best friends. Who ever did that to him should be banned for life having animals.